Allocation Masters

Allocation Masters in Shipsy play a crucial role in optimising and managing various aspects of logistics and supply chain operations. These masters, including Rate Master, TAT (Turnaround Time) Master, Serviceability Master, and Destination Type Master, serve as foundational components for efficient allocation and decision-making within the platform.

Rate Master


The Rate Master is instrumental in managing and organizing shipping rates associated with different carriers and services.


It allows users to set, update, and customize shipping rates based on various parameters such as weight, distance, and service levels.


The Rate Master facilitates accurate and transparent cost calculations, ensuring that businesses can make informed decisions regarding carrier selection and shipping costs.

TAT (Turnaround Time) Master


The TAT Master focuses on defining and optimizing turnaround times for shipments.


Users can set specific time parameters for order processing, fulfillment, and delivery to meet customer expectations and service level agreements.


Efficient TAT management enhances operational planning, reduces delays, and contributes to a smoother and more predictable logistics workflow.

Serviceability Master


The Serviceability Master is designed to assess and manage the serviceability of carriers and destinations.


It allows businesses to define serviceable areas, ensuring that carriers are allocated based on their ability to serve specific locations efficiently.


Serviceability Master ensures that shipments are allocated to carriers capable of delivering to the intended destinations, minimizing delivery challenges and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Destination Type Master


The Destination Type Master focuses on categorizing destinations based on specific characteristics.


Users can define destination types (e.g., residential, commercial) and set allocation rules based on these types.


This master streamlines the allocation process by allowing businesses to tailor their shipping strategies according to destination characteristics, leading to more effective and targeted logistics management.


In summary, Allocation Masters in Shipsy empower businesses to fine-tune their logistics operations by customizing and optimizing critical parameters. Whether it's managing shipping rates, turnaround times, serviceability, or destination types, these masters provide the flexibility and control needed to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and meet customer expectations in the ever-evolving landscape of logistics and supply chain management.