Destination Type Master

Destination Type Master

"Destination Type Master" is a unique master defined to minimize the setup of all other masters. This is an optional activity and the other masters can work even if this is not setup.


Destination Type Masters can be defined in a unique way for each carrier and hence the contract that you have with the carrier must be informed to the Shipsy team. Shipsy has a mechanism to customize the contract as per your requirement within no time ensuring that your Destination Type is determined considering all factors.


The image above is an example of Destination Type master setup for the carrier Account ARAMEX ACCOUNT. Note that the Destination Type can be configured differently for each account also ensuring that any and all deviations are captured. In the example visible above, the Destination Type is defined on input parameters like Customer Code, Service Type ID, Origin Pincode and Destination Pincode with output as destination Type. 

The destination Type is a parameter which can group a set of pincodes as seen above into a classification like INTER CITY or INTER REGION, etc. Since these groupings hardly change, it becomes easier to configure the other masters on the destination Type itself. Thus, defining rates or TAT becomes simple as well as it becomes easy to manage. Example: If the logic of rates change for pincode 1 to Pincode 2 then upon changing destination Type, the rates will automatically change because it will now fall in a different Destination Type.

Note that creation of logics for Destination Type and the columns for masters is done by Shipsy as it is different for each client based on their contract with the carrier.

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