Multi-leg Orchestration

Multi-leg Orchestration

Using this document, users can understand the concept of Multi-leg In Logistics and its need.


Multi-leg Orchestration is a complex workflow and require various setup within Shipsy as well as other linked parties.

What is Multi-Leg?

A consignment when booked by a customer has to be delivered by a logistics provider starting from pickup at the seller store to drop-off at customer location. The general flow here is that the carrier that picks up the order does the entire journey to deliver the order as well. Only one carrier is responsible for the handling of the consignment.

In a multi-leg concept the journey of the consignment is broken down into multiple parts where each part can be catered by an independent carrier. For a basic understanding let's think of the logistics journey having 3 legs namely First Mile (FM), Mid Mile (MM) and Last Mile (LM) which in general case is covered by one carrier but with multi-leg FM part can be done by one carrier, MM by other and LM by a third vendor.

Multi-leg logistics, often referred to as multimodal or intermodal logistics, involves the use of multiple modes of transportation to move goods from their origin to their final destination. This approach offers several benefits and addresses specific needs in the logistics industry:


Multi-leg logistics can be more efficient than relying on a single carrier as each one may have expertise in an area which can help in optimising routes and reducing transit times.

Cost Savings

It can lead to cost savings by selecting carrier who is most efficient in a specific scenario

Improved Service Levels

By selecting the most appropriate carrier or carriers for different parts of the journey, you can provide better service to customers, meeting delivery deadlines more reliably.

Where is the Complexity?


In an order being catered by three different players the delivery of player A will be to Player B and from Player B to Player C. In these cases the first two players will send a delivered update which must not be interpreted as delivered as the order is not yet delivered. Thus streamlining tracking is a crucial part.


A single order sent by a client must be sent to more than one carrier such that they deliver orders not to the end customer but the next carrier and that should be applicable for both forward and RTO journey.

What is the Expectation?

Well the expectation is quite simple → It should act like a standard scenario.
Achieving this has multiple challenges not only on the tech side but also on operations including the players involved. This is where Shipsy comes in to provide a platform where this setup can be achieved and all necessary information clubbed together to form a coherent process.

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