Understanding Vehicle Make
It is a master used to save vehicle details on make level that is vehicle type wise. Unlike vehicle master, it has limited number of vehicle make against which details are saved like dimension, capacity etc. It enables users to categorise the vehicle available in vehicle master and helps to auto fetch the vehicle configuration based on vehicle make as it mandatory to add vehicle make and the time of vehicle addition.
How to use
Adding a Vehicle Make in Setup > Assets > Transport > Vehicle Make > Add New
Users will be required to fill a form and input the necessary information when trying to configure a new vehicle make for their organisation:
Vehicle Make Name - Name of the vehicle make
Vehicle Make Code - Unique ID of the vehicle make
Weight Capacity - Weight capacity that can be held by vehicle make, in KGs
Volume Capacity - Volume capacity that can be held by the vehicle make, in M3
Consignment Capacity - Maximum number of consignments that can be serviced by vehicle make
Height Capacity - The maximum height of a consignment that can be loaded
Fixed Cost - Fixed cost incurred in using a vehicle of this make
Variable Cost - Variable cost incurred in using a vehicle of this make
Maximum Trip Distance - Maximum distance in KM, that can be covered by a vehicle of this make
Fuel Type - The fuel type used by a vehicle of this make
Service Time - The service intervals at which a vehicle of this make will need to be serviced
Mapping a Vehicle Make to a New/Updated Vehicle
Users can map new vehicles that they create in their organisation, or update existing ones and map a vehicle make to them simply by choosing the relevant option from the Vehicle Make dropdown list in the add vehicle information section.