Exim Manage Tasks (Execution) Module


The Manage Tasks module provides a solution for shippers to streamline the execution of international cargo shipments. With features like customized workflows, automated task assignment, document management, and real-time communication, the platform addresses the challenges of coordinating complex shipment processes. Its flexible and automated approach makes it an essential tool for shippers looking to improve efficiency, communication, and compliance. This documentation outlines the product's key features, how it works, its value propositions, and differentiators.

Problem Statement

Problem 1: Inconsistent Task Management

Challenge: Without a clear system for task management, it can be challenging to track the status of each task, ensure timely completion, and manage dependencies. This inconsistency can lead to bottlenecks and missed deadlines.

Solution: The Shipment Task Manager provides a structured approach to executing international shipments. By allowing shippers to create customized task workflows, the platform ensures that each step is defined, sequenced, and assigned to the right stakeholders. The platform's task management capabilities bring consistency and visibility to the process. Users can track the status of tasks with clear indicators ('Not Started', 'In Progress', 'Sent for Approval', 'Done'), manage task dependencies, and set deadlines. This consistency helps stakeholders stay on track and meet deadlines.

Problem 2: Lack of Automation

Challenge: Manual task assignment and deadline management can be time-consuming and prone to human error, leading to inefficiencies and delays.

Solution: Automated task assignment and deadline calculation reduce manual effort and ensure that tasks are assigned to the right individuals or teams based on predefined rules. Automated deadlines ensure that tasks are completed on time, allowing shippers to plan their operations more effectively.

Problem 3: Inefficient Document Management

Challenge: International shipments require a significant amount of documentation, which can become scattered and difficult to manage. This disorganization can lead to lost documents, compliance issues, and delayed approvals.

Solution: The platform provides a single repository for all shipment-related documents. Each document can have custom fields for additional information, and shippers can manage access levels to maintain security and confidentiality. The ability to share documents with external stakeholders through email simplifies collaboration and ensures compliance.

Problem 4: Poor Communication and Collaboration

Challenge: Effective communication among stakeholders is crucial for smooth shipment execution. Without real-time communication, issues can escalate, leading to delays and increased costs.

Solution: The real-time chat feature allows stakeholders to communicate and collaborate instantly during shipment execution. This feature promotes teamwork, reduces misunderstandings, and helps resolve issues quickly, ensuring smooth operations.

Problem 5: Limited Visibility and Accountability

Challenge: Without a detailed audit log, tracking the history of a shipment and ensuring accountability is challenging. This lack of visibility can lead to compliance issues and hinder troubleshooting.

Solution: The platform's audit log provides a comprehensive record of all activities, including task history, document uploads, and user actions. This detailed log enhances transparency, accountability, and compliance, making it easier to identify and address issues.

Key Features

1. Customized Task Workflows

Shippers can design customized workflows for executing international shipments. This feature allows you to define the specific sequence of tasks and assign them to appropriate teams or individuals. Here's how it works:

  • Create a Workflow Template: Define the tasks required for a typical shipment, setting task dependencies and rules for automatic assignment.

  • Use Conditional Logic: Create condition-based tasks where certain tasks only appear if predefined conditions are met.

  • Include Custom Fields: Add specific data points to each task to capture all relevant information during shipment execution.

With customized workflows, you can design a tailored process that matches your shipment execution needs.

2. Task Management

The Shipment Task Manager provides comprehensive task management capabilities, allowing you to oversee every aspect of a shipment. Key features include:

  • Task Status: Track the progress of tasks with status indicators such as 'Not Started', 'In Progress', 'Sent for Approval', or 'Done'.

  • Task Dependencies: Create tasks that depend on the completion of other tasks to ensure the correct sequence of activities.

  • Task Details: Each task can have custom fields for data entry, and document fields for uploading supporting documentation.

  • Document-Based Tasks: Include tasks that require document uploads and manage the process by setting conditions for approval or review.

This level of task management ensures that every step in the shipment process is accounted for and properly tracked.

3. Automated Task Assignment

The platform allows shippers to set automated rules for assigning tasks. You can define rules based on various parameters, including:

  • Stakeholder Role: Assign tasks to specific individuals, teams, or organizations based on their roles.

  • Task Type: Automatically assign tasks based on the type of activity, such as documentation, approvals, or shipment handling.

  • Deadline Calculation: The system can automatically set task deadlines based on predefined rules, ensuring that tasks are completed on time.

Automated task assignment reduces manual intervention, ensuring that the right tasks are assigned to the right stakeholders.

4. Notifications and Alerts

Shippers can set up rules for generating notifications and alerts based on task status. This feature helps you stay informed about critical changes in the shipment process. Here are some examples:

  • Task Status Changes: Receive alerts when a task is completed, sent for approval, or delayed.

  • Upcoming Deadlines: Get notified when a task is approaching its deadline.

  • Custom Alerts: Create custom rules for specific notifications, such as when a task requires immediate attention or when a condition-based task is triggered.

Notifications and alerts keep you updated in real-time, ensuring smooth execution of shipments.

5. Document Management and Sharing

The platform offers a comprehensive document management system for each shipment. Key features include:

  • Single Repository: All documents associated with a shipment are stored in a centralized repository for easy access and retrieval.

  • Document Fields: Each document can have custom fields for additional information, ensuring that all required data is captured during upload.

  • Access Control and Sharing: Shippers can manage access levels for each document and share them with external stakeholders through the system. Sharing can be done via email or direct system access.

Document management and sharing facilitate smooth communication and compliance during shipment execution.

6. Real-Time Communication

Shippers can chat in real-time with all stakeholders during shipment execution. This feature provides several benefits:

  • Instant Communication: Resolve issues quickly and efficiently by communicating with stakeholders in real-time.

  • Task Collaboration: Discuss task details, seek approvals, or provide additional information through the chat function.

  • Notification Integration: Receive alerts and notifications within the chat interface, streamlining communication during shipment execution.

Real-time communication enhances collaboration, reducing delays and improving overall efficiency.

7. Audit Log

The platform maintains a detailed audit log for each shipment, providing a complete record of all activities. The audit log includes:

  • Task History: Track every action taken during shipment execution, including task creation, updates, completions, and approvals.

  • Document History: Review the history of document uploads, approvals, and changes.

  • User Actions: See which users made changes to tasks or documents, providing accountability and transparency.

The audit log helps ensure compliance and traceability, making it easier to track and resolve issues.

8. Integration with Shipment Tracking

Shippers can link the Shipment Task Manager with the Tracking module by entering a tracking number against a specific shipment. This integration provides:

  • Seamless Tracking: Link task-based execution with shipment tracking for a complete view of the shipment process.

  • Cross-Module Communication: Allow stakeholders in both modules to collaborate and share information during shipment execution.

  • Automatic Updates: Receive tracking updates within the Task Manager, providing a holistic view of the shipment's status.

These key features collectively make the Shipment Task Manager a comprehensive solution for shippers looking to streamline the execution of international cargo shipments, ensuring smooth operations, effective communication, and compliance throughout the process.

How It Works

  1. Create a Shipment: Shippers can create a shipment using various methods, including single shipment creation flow, bulk Excel upload, or POST API.

  2. Apply Workflow: The system applies a predefined task workflow to the shipment based on parameters like Shipment Mode, Incoterm, Movement Type, and Access. This ensures that the appropriate workflow is applied to each shipment.

  3. Automatic Task Assignment: Tasks are automatically assigned to the respective stakeholders as per the task workflow template. Deadlines are also calculated based on the predefined rules.

  4. Shipment Execution: Execution begins when each assignee starts working on their tasks and updating their progress in the system. The real-time chat feature allows stakeholders to communicate effectively during execution.

  5. Shipment Completion: The shipment execution process is considered complete when all tasks for that shipment are marked as done.

Key Value Propositions

  • Streamlined Shipment Execution: The platform provides a structured approach to executing international shipments, reducing errors and delays.

  • Customizable Workflows: Shippers can create customized workflows, allowing them to design processes that fit their specific requirements.

  • Automated Task Assignment and Deadlines: Automation reduces manual effort, ensures tasks are assigned to the right stakeholders, and deadlines are met.

  • Document Management and Sharing: The system offers a centralized repository for all documents related to a shipment, with flexible sharing options and document-specific fields.

  • Real-Time Communication and Audit Logs: The real-time chat feature enhances collaboration, while the audit log provides transparency and accountability throughout the shipment process.


  • Custom Task Workflows: The ability to create customized task workflows allows shippers to tailor the system to their specific operational needs.

  • Condition-Based Tasks: Condition-based tasks provide dynamic workflows that adapt to changing circumstances, adding flexibility.

  • Integrated Tracking: Linking the Manage Tasks module with the Tracking module allows for seamless integration of shipment execution and tracking.

  • Real-Time Collaboration: The real-time chat feature promotes collaboration among stakeholders, enabling faster issue resolution and decision-making.