Vendor Indent Acceptance
Once a trip is created by a user on the ops dashboard - by manually creation or optimiser - the trip is then visible to the user on the trip manager page.
Additionally, this same trip is also then added to the vendor portal of the vendor to whom it is assigned either manually or by the optimiser under the vehicle requests page.
On this page, the vendor will have three sub tabs - all, pending and assigned trips. The all sub tab is self explanatory and shows the list of all trip requests that have been allocated to the vendor.
The Pending tab is where the vendor is able to view those requests that have been allocated to the vendor, but have not yet been accepted by them or assigned to any rider whatsoever.
The Assigned tab shows the list view of all those requests which were allocated to the vendor, and accepted and consequently assigned to a rider by the vendor.
Vendor Indent Acceptance
To show indent acceptance, the vendor has to follow the following steps:
Navigate to Vendor Portal > Vehicle Requests > Pending requests sub tab
Select the trip they want to accept, and assign it to a rider
After filling the assign vehicle form, the vendor will click on assign and the trip will be assigned to the respective rider and vehicle
This counts towards acceptance of indent by the vendor, and the trip will be moved to the assigned bucket of the requests page
Alternatively, if the vendor wants to reject a request, they can simply click on the reject button on the vehicle requests page and the customer creating that request will be notified that their request has been rejected by the vendor