Bank Deposit Transactions

Bank Deposit feature enables user/ Hub manager or Hub Accountant to update the transaction logs of money submitted in his company's bank Account after collecting the same from Rider. Once all COD collection are collected from rider , they are deposited in Bank account of company from where the same money is remitted to Client account.

Please note, to use this feature, store manager must have admin access and all required for riders and bank account.


  1. Click on Menu > Finance Operations > Bank Deposit to view the Pending Amount to be reconciled.

  2. Here, the data of Cash Balance held by the hub post collection of COD Amount is reflected hub-wise.

  3. Click on Reconcile to proceed.

  1. Against the total Balance held, the hub needs to log details of bank transactions.

  2. The amount entered should be equal to Balance held by Hub.

  3. The user needs to submit details like bank transaction no, mode of transaction and attached transaction proof slip and click submit.

  1. After the user has submitted details of the bank transaction, the status changes to settle which means that hub does not have any amount pending to be submitted in his company bank account.

  1. View previous transaction in Bank Transaction History. All transactions submitted can be viewed here.