Address Book

Address Book

This feature allows the user to create and save addresses in the system, and then directly add it by searching any of its components while creating a single consignment/pickup


  1. Navigate to the address book tab of the customer portal

  1. Click on the New Address button

    1. Click on single for single address

    2. Click on bulk upload to upload multiple addresses at once

  1. The single upload option triggers a pop-up style form where the user is required to input the following details:

    1. Name

    2. Address Line 1

    3. Address Line 2

    4. Pin Code

    5. City

    6. State

    7. Country

    8. Mobile Number

    9. Alternate Mobile Number

  2. Once the user has input all the necessary details, they can click on the save address button. This successfully saves the address

  3. The bulk upload option triggers a pop-up where the user will be required to upload a csv file with all the addresses they want to add

  1. To do this they will first have to download the sample file, fill all the necessary details, export it as a csv and upload it

  2. After upload is complete, user can click on submit. This successfully uploads all addresses which are then reflected in the address book

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