Installation Guide (Opencart)

Installation Guide (Opencart)


The following requirements must be met for the smooth operation of the extension - 

  1. Opencart - 

  1. PHP - 7.4 

  1. Web Server (Apache suggested) 

  1. Database (MySQLi suggested) 

Installation and removal 

We strongly recommend making a complete backup of the shop's files and database before any module installation or update. 

Also, the installation and module functionality should be completely verified on a testing or staging system before moving it into a production system. 

Installing the extension 

Step 1 

In order to upload an extension, navigate to Extensions -> Installer. Then click the blue Upload button and provide the route to your extension's"*.ocmod.zip" archive

On success, you should get a green "Success: You have installed your extension!" message. 

Note: You should always make sure all temporary files are cleared before uploading an extension or a modification file because, at the very least, they will be taking up space on your server and cause errors. 

Step 2 

On the admin side, go to System -> Users -> User Groups and set up permissions (access and modify) to administrators and/or other groups.

Check the below options for access and modify and save. 




Step 3 

Go to Extensions -> Modifications and refresh modifications cache. It is necessary even if your module did not contain a modification file. Already installed modifications can modify files of the module. 

Step 4 

Refresh the theme cache on the Dashboard (main page of the admin area) 

Step 5 

Go to Extensions -> Extensions to activate and set up the module. 

Select Modules and choose “Ecommerce Extension” and click install. 

Uninstalling the extension 

The first step is to Uninstall the extension from Extensions > Modules

This will remove all the changes to your OpenCart website made by your extension. 

After that, go to the Installer

To uninstall an extension in OpenCart, go back to the Installer, find the extension in the Install History and click the red Uninstall button.


Log in to your Opencart admin panel and navigate here - 

Shipsy Configuration -> Configuration . Enter the login credentials and click Save Config. On success, you should get a green "Configuration is successfull!" message. 

Navigate to Shipsy Configuration -> Setup . Enter all the addresses and click Submit Details button at the end. On success, you should get a green "Setup is successfull!" message. 


Sync Order

This feature allows you to sync your orders with Shipsy. Currently, one order can be selected and synced at a time. On selecting any order and selecting this option, a form opens up and allows reviewing the order details before finally syncing the order with Shipsy. 

On success, you should get a green "Order is Synced Successfull!" message. 

Add Tracking 

This option allows to select multiple synced orders and create tracking URLs for those synced orders.

On success, you should get a green "Successfully added Tracking Url for order with order id!" message and Track Order link will appear beside the order. 

There will be a warning if you try to add tracking before syncing the Order. 

Manage Orders

This feature allows you to view details of synced orders, such as the AWB Numbers and current status. Using this page, you can also get shipping label for each order and can cancel the orders as well. This will cancel the synced order, not the order present in Opencart. 

Virtual Series 

You can see the series allotted to you and the available count. 

*The Zip file is configured for demo environment for DTDC.

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