Rate, Serviceability and TAT Masters

Through this document, users can learn how to set up the rate, serviceability and TAT masters for their vendors within the Shipsy system.

Navigating to Carrier Partner Setup

  1. Once the user has successfully set up their vendors in the transport section, they can begin configuring the rate, serviceability and TAT for these

  2. To begin doing so, click on the hamburger menu icon, navigate to setup, and click on integrations setup to expand the dropdown

  3. Select carrier partner to navigate to the carrier partner setup page

  4. Further, within the carrier partner setup, navigate to the carrier account integrations sub tab

Carrier Account Integrations Tab

In this section, the user will be presented with a list of all their carrier and vendor integrations that have been set up for their organisation.

Configuring Rate, Serviceability and TAT Masters

To begin configuring rate, serviceability and TAT, user must select which vendor they want to make those changes for and click on the rate masters button

Here, the user will be able to change between multiple sub-tabs for rate masters, tat masters, destination type and serviceability masters.

Updating Rate Master

  1. The Rate Master config is used to set up the different costs that a vendor charges wrt the different origin and destinations they service and the distance covered between them along with additional stoppages if any

  2. To set up the rate master for a particular vendor, the user needs to click on the update button

  3. This will open a modal where the user will be asked to upload a .csv file to update rate masters. Please note that rate master can only be updated by uploading a csv. There is no method for single addition.

  4. Users can use the download sample link to download the sample file which they will then have to populate with the relevant information before uploading.

  5. This file will contain the following columns

    1. Origin city code - The code of the origin city from where this vendor starts their trip

    2. Destination city code - The code of the destination city where this vendor will end their trip

    3. Vehicle make code - The vehicle make category that this vendor will use for this journey

    4. Charge - The total charge that this vendor charges for this configuration of the CN journey

    5. Additional stop charge - Additional charges by this vendor for additional stoppages along the route of this journey

  6. This file, with all necessary rate master configs added to it can be uploaded in the update modal post which the rate master will be updated.

  7. Once rate masters have been set up, users can delete these configs individually by scrolling to the far right and clicking on the delete button, or in bulk using the bulk delete functionality

Updating TAT Master

  1. The TAT master config is used to define the different TATs for the different combinations of origin and destination that is serviced by a vendor

  2. To set up the TAT master for a particular vendor, the user needs to click on the update button

  3. This will open a modal where the user will be asked to upload a .csv file to update rate masters. Please note that TAT master can only be updated by uploading a csv. There is no method for single addition.

  4. Users can use the download sample link to download the sample file which they will then have to populate with the relevant information before uploading.

  5. This file will contain the following columns

    1. Origin city code - The code of the origin city from where this vendor starts their trip

    2. Destination city code - The code of the destination city where this vendor will end their trip

    3. Vehicle make code - The vehicle make category that this vendor will use for this journey

    4. TAT - The total time it will take this particular vendor to complete the configured journey from origin to destination

  6. This file, with all necessary TAT master configs added to it can be uploaded in the update modal post which the rate master will be updated.

  7. Once TAT masters have been set up, users can delete these configs individually by scrolling to the far right and clicking on the delete button, or in bulk using the bulk delete functionality

Updating Serviceability Master

  1. The serviceability master is used to configure the different origin and destination pairs that a vendor will service and the vehicles they will use to do so

  2. To set up the serviceability master for a particular vendor, the user needs to click on the update button

  3. This will open a modal where the user will be asked to upload a .csv file to update serviceability masters. Please note that serviceability master can only be updated by uploading a csv. There is no method for single addition.

  4. Users can use the download sample link to download the sample file which they will then have to populate with the relevant information before uploading.

  5. This file will contain the following columns

    1. Origin city code - The code of the origin city from where this vendor starts their trip

    2. Destination city code - The code of the destination city where this vendor will end their trip

    3. Vehicle make code - The vehicle make category that this vendor will use for this journey

  6. This file, with all necessary serviceability master configs added to it can be uploaded in the update modal post which the rate master will be updated.

  7. Once serviceability masters have been set up, users can delete these configs individually by scrolling to the far right and clicking on the delete button, or in bulk using the bulk delete functionality