Adding New System NDR Reasons

Users can refer to this document to understand how to add new system NDR reasons within Shipsy.


Navigating to Appflow Config

  1. Click on the hamburger menu icon and navigate to setup

  2. Click on admin to expand the dropdown list

  3. Select app flow config to navigate to the app flow config page

Navigating to Master Setup

  1. Once inside app flow config, select master setup from the top tab pane

  2. Inside master setup, select the task failure reasons sub tab

Adding a New Reason

  1. The task failure reason tab shows the user a list of all task failure reasons that have been setup within the organisation. Also visible in the list view is the status of these reasons - active or inactive - where active means they will be visible on the FE while inactive means that particular reason will not be visible. 

  2. To add a new reason, user will be required to click on the add new reason button

  3. This will prompt a form style pop-up which the user will have to fill in order to add a new failure reason

  4. Now, the user will have to define the reason id, which will be unique to every reason

  5. Next, the user will name that particular reason as per their requirement. This is the name that will be visible on the front end

  6. User will also have to input the reason category and choose whether it’s status is active or inactive. By default, status will be marked as active

  7. Lastly, the user will have to select the task type for which the new failure reason will be configured.

Saving New Reason

Once all information has been entered and verified, the user can click on the add reason button and the new reason will be added to their existing list of failure reasons