Create New Custom Mapping

Users can refer to this document to understand how to create new custom mappings within Shipsy.


Navigate to NDR Mapping

Setup > Integration Setup > Carrier Partner > Carrier Tracking > NDR Mapping

In Order to create customer mapping click on +Sign visible on dashboard under NDR Mapping


Mapping Options

  1. Copy from Default Mapping will copy the data from the mapping present as default under the settings option

  2. Copy from Custom Mapping will allow to copy the data from the pre created mapping for that particular carrier partner

  3. Create from scratch will allow to create a new mapping and the mapping name will remain a mandatory field for the same

Define Custom Failure Reason Mapping

Add New Mapping

  • For a custom mapping defined, you can even add new status mapping. For example, the carrier introduced something new or custom for your organization, then that can be easily mapped and can be instantly made LIVE. On clicking this button, the popup opens up as seen in the image.

3PL Failure Reason

  • This is the failure reason the carrier passes to Shipsy. Simply put, it is the field name that the carrier passes to Shipsy. The intent here is to understand what the carrier means and easily manage.

Shipsy Status

  • This is a list of statuses in Shipsy from which you can select one status and map it to the carrier failure reason.

Shipsy Failure Reason Code

  • This is the failure reason that the user wants to map to the 3PL’s failure reason. Custom failure reasons created by the user in the appflow config > master setup > failure reason setup section can also be mapped here

Shipsy Failure Reason Name

  • This field auto populates with the pretty name of the reason selected.

Visible to Consignee

  • This is a flag to identify if the status should be visible on the raven link or not.

Strategy and Priority

The default Strategy is Exact Match and Priority 1. However, when you want to do a string match kind of scenario, then Partial Match can be done and that is where priority comes into picture.