EXIM Insights - User Guide


In today's data-driven business landscape, the ability to extract insights from data is paramount for making informed decisions and driving success. Insight's (Shipsy BI) Default Dashboards offer a comprehensive solution for visualising and analysing your data, empowering organisations to unlock actionable insights and gain a competitive edge in their industries.

Key Features

Organisation data has been carefully curated and arranged into a variety of different visualisations that make understanding data a seamless process. Different types of visualisations include:


Visualise your data with a diverse range of charts, including line charts, bar charts, pie charts, and more. Charts provide a dynamic and interactive way to explore trends, patterns, and relationships within your data, enabling users to quickly identify insights and make data-driven decisions.


Dive deeper into your data with customisable tables that allow for detailed analysis and comparison. Tables provide a structured format for organising and presenting data, making it easy to identify outliers, anomalies, and key metrics that drive business performance.


Gain a holistic view of your data with informative graphs that highlight correlations, distributions, and trends. Graphs offer a visually compelling representation of data, enabling users to uncover hidden insights and communicate findings effectively to stakeholders.

Module Overview

Accessing Insights

  • Version 1: Hamburger Menu → Insights



Sections in Insights

  • The Business Intelligence tool is divided into 4 sections, Home, Dashboards, Reports and Query Builder. We can navigate through these sections, in 2 ways

    Navigation Method 1

Dashboard listing page

  • On Clicking on Insights Icon, you’ll be directed to the dashboard section by Default (if a landing page has not been set)

  • Dashboards are split into 4 categories, you can navigate through these in 2 ways, (1 Using the drop-down in Type, on the right end. 2 using the drop-down in dashboards.)
    - My Dashboards/User: Dashboards created by the logged-in user will be available.
    - Shared with me/shared: Dashboards made by other users, shared with the logged-in user will be available here.
    - Default Library/Default: Sample Dashboards made by Shipsy would be available here.
    - All Dashboards/All: All Dashboards will be available on this page.

Searching for dashboards

  • Go to a subsection of a dashboard(My Dashboard, Shared with me, Default Library, and All Dashboards)

  • Input the dashboard name in the search box, and click on the search icon.

  • Clicking on the dashboard heading will take you to the dashboard.

Switching to other Dashboards from the Current Dashboard

  • You can switch to other dashboards, from a current dashboard page using the side triangle option.

  • You can either choose your respective dashboard from the drop-down or search for it.

  • Click on the dashboard heading to visit the required dashboard.

Setting default landing dashboard

  • On clicking the Business Intelligence icon, you’ll be directed to the default landing dashboard, when you have configured it, instead of the usual dashboard section

  • In order to set a dashboard as a default landing page, click on the three dots, under the actions section, and click on the set as landing page option.

Opening Dashboard and Applying Filter

  • Click on the dashboard header, to open the dashboard.

  • A Dashboard can have multiple tabs, and tabs can be switched by clicking on the header.

  • You can set the desired value in each filter and click on apply, for the filter to get applied. Time Filters have 4 common options:

    - Current: filters based on the current value as below
    - Previous: Calculates time interval from the current time. For example, the previous 1 day, would fetch the last 24hrs data.
    - Between: Similar to CRM, the date range can be chosen
    - Is before: All Data before a particular day would be fetched.
    - Is after: All Data after a particular day would be fetched.
    - is on: data for a particular single day chosen would be fetched
    - Last: Calculates the interval based on the actual dates. For example, the last 1-day filter would fetch yesterday’s data.

Navigating tabs

  • We can navigate through tabs for different dashboards, by just clicking on headers. The current tab would be highlighted in blue color.

Downloading data

  • You can choose the desired filters and click on apply filters. Once the filters are applied, you can click on the download icon towards the right end of the report to download the data.

  • You can either click on the downloads icon towards the upper right of the page or click on the message to view the status of your download. Clicking on the download icon under the action section will prompt your downloads.

User persona: Shipsy EXIM Insights Power User

Creating reports:

  • Clicking on the Create New option directs us to the Query Builder, where we make reports.

Data Setup

Pick your data

  • Based on the reporting requirement, we will have to choose the right data mart for making the report. For example, if we want to make a container tracking report, the best data mart option would be a Container Details report, as it contains all container-level data.

Data Dictionary

  • A Data Dictionary can be used to choose the right data mart, for the report required. It contains the data mart description columns available in datamart and their description, the datatype of the column, and its SQL query.

  • Downloading the Data Dictionary:
    -> Click on the download icon, towards the right of the Chart Setup Section.

  • Sample Data Dictionary Gdoc


  • Choose the timeline filter by which the report is to be generated.

  • You can add other columns, on which you want to filter data. For example, if you want only completed containers, you can add a status field to the filter section, and set it equal to ‘completed’, this would fetch only completed containers.

Summarise by

  • Columns in Summarise By serve as the centre of analytics metric when you want to look at the data at an aggregate level. It is similar to the group by function in SQL.

  • In case the summary by option/s is Quantised, you may have to choose among other suboptimal options corresponding to the selected option. For example, if you choose created_at, then you’ll get suboptimal options like daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

  • You can ignore the summarize by column if you want data only at the container level.


  • Columns can be added using the +add option and can be renamed by double tapping on it, and typing the required name.

  • The ordering of the columns can be changed, by just dragging it up and down.

Case 1. When columns are not chosen in summarise by

  • You can add the required fields in columns, by clicking on the +add option.

  • You can search for the column by typing the name in the blank box.

Case 2. Aggregate option, When columns are not chosen in summarise by

  • When you want an aggregate of overall data, you can switch on the aggregate option.

Case 3. When columns are chosen in summarise by

  • By default, the columns added will have the aggregate option, and you can choose the desired aggregate.

Sort by option

  • In order to sort the table/chart generated, we should add the columns in the sort by option. The upper triangle sorts it in ascending order, and the lower triangle sorts it in descending order.

  • Multiple sort-by fields can be added, and they will be sorted in the same order as the fields added. For eg. In the following picture, data is sorted based on the ascending order of created at the field and then sorted by the descending order of So Number.


Having clause

  • Having clause will help in filtering data, which has an aggregate.

  • Steps: 1) add the required column 2) choose the aggregate option (count, sum, etc) 3) add the relevant condition (equal to, greater than, less than, etc).


  • Based on your requirements charts can be chosen. You’ll have to click on chart setup to open the page.


  • By Default Tabular chart would be chosen. You can set the row limit over here, by default only 100 rows would be fetched.

  • Freeze Columns: When you have a lot of columns lined up, then you can choose to freeze the first n columns (where n is the input number). This will enable the columns freezed to be visible, even while scrolling towards the right.

Big number

  • Only aggregated values can have a big number chart.

Bar Graph

  • You can choose the desired field on the x, y-axis, and the required bar type as horizontal or vertical.

Pie Chart

  • A pie chart works on only a single summarize by column. By default, it shows the percentage metric, if you hover over it, you’ll find the numbers.

Line graph

  • A line graph is usually used to check the data trend.


  • The Pivot table works on a row and column field, so a minimum of 2 fields is required in summarize by section to enable the pivot table.

  • A pivot table elegantly dissects columns or rows according to pre-defined parameters, providing insightful breakdowns of data.

Managing reports

Sharing reports

  • In order to share the report, go to the My Reports section, and click on the three dots, click on the sharing option.

  • Reports can be either shared with only particular members of the org or can be made public. Once you choose the desired option, click on the share button.

Edit existing report

  • The existing Reports can be edited, either using the edit icon, under the actions section or by just clicking on the report header name.

Setting Scheduler

  • A scheduler can be used to schedule a particular report based on a time-frequency to respective emails.

  • Fill out the scheduler details and click on “Create” to activate the scheduler.


  • Alerts work in a similar fashion to schedulers. It runs the report at a particular time every day. The only difference is, the mail would be sent only when data is generated.

Deleting reports

  • Reports created by the user can be deleted from the My Reports section.

Creating dashboards

Creating a new dashboard

  • New Dashboards can be created from the “My Dashboard” section.

  • Input the dashboard name and description and the dashboard would be created.

  • Click on the dashboard header to open the dashboard.

Adding reports to the dashboard

  • When a dashboard is created, by default we get a new tab with the same name.

  • Steps for adding reports to the dashboard:
    -> Click on Edit Dashboard
    -> Click on Add Reports
    -> Choose the reports and click on add report

    -> You can resize the reports using corners in the report and set the alignment
    -> Once the alignment is set, you can click on edit dashboard, and your dashboard is ready.

Positioning and resizing reports

Adding new tabs to a dashboard

  • Click on the remove edit button

  • Click on the plus button to add a tab, and you can rename the tab.

Managing Dashboard

Sharing dashboards

  • Dashboard sharing follows a similar procedure as that of reports.

Renaming dashboards

  • Click on the 3 dots under the action icon.

  • Click on the rename option and input the new name of the dashboard.

Deleting dashboards

  • Click on the 3 dots under the action icon.

  • Click on the delete option to permanently delete the dashboard.

Creating a landing dashboard

  • Create the required dashboard

  • Set the dashboard in the config (requires Shipsy support coordination)