Transaction History in Rider App

Description : The transaction History Tab in the Rider App keep the track of all the request raised, approved and rejected. Once the Rider raised the request from COD Settlement Tab, that request is moved to the Transaction History > Raised Settlement Request.


Transaction History Tab in Rider App

  • Click on the side navigation bar () → Transaction History


→ Raised Settlement Request

  • COD Settlement Request raised by the Rider gets reflected in Raised Settlement Request.


→ Approved Settlement Request

  • Request approved by the hubs manager from the dashboard gets reflected to the Rider in Approved Settlement Request.


→ Rejected Settlement Request

  • Request rejected by the hubs manager from the dashboard gets reflected to the Rider in Rejected Settlement Request.

The filter icon is for filtering requests based on a start and end date.

Unless the filter icon gets used the default visibility will be for only today