How system applies exception automatically

Description: This page covers the process of the exception applied by the system automatically.

The system applies three types of exception by itself.

1. Excess Arrival

Excess Arrival exception is applied during unloading, if users get more waybills which are not part of the current trip but belong to the same destination hub.

  • During the following unloading process, scan the required waybills.

  • Now, if we scan

2. Misrouted

This exception is applied during unloading, if the user receives a waybill which does not belong to its hub.

  • During the following unloading process, scan the required waybills.

  • Now, when we will scan the misrouted waybill, an error msg gets popped up “Misrouted Waybill”.

  • The misrouted consignment gets scanned, and an error tag has been assigned to it.

  • Click on Unload to unload the consignments successfully.

3. Shortage Unloading

This exception is marked when a consignment is found missing at the destination hub.

  • During the following unloading process, scan the consignments waybills which are available.

  • Click on unload and the below error msg gets popped. Click on OK.

  • The missing waybills would be marked as shortage.



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