Dock In of any Vehicle

Description : This page covers the process of dock in of any vehicle.

We have to first assign a dock to the vehicle, followed by the dock in scanning of the vehicle.

  • In the main dashboard, Select Medium and click on Vehicle.

Assign Dock

There are two methods of assigning dock to a vehicle.

Method - 1

  • Click on Assign.

  • Select dock no and any additional comments(optional).


  • Click on Ok.

Method - 2

  • Click on Grid Menu in the top right corner.

  • Click on Assign Dock in the Dock Management column.

  • Select dock no and any additional comments(optional).


  • Click on Ok.

Dock Inscan

  • Click on Grid Menu in the top right corner.

  • Click on Dock Inscan in the Dock Management column, or click on the three vertical dots in the Actions column.

  • Enter Vehicle Number, Dock Number and Comments(optional).

  • Click on OK for the successful dock in of the vehicle.


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