In ‘Live tracking’ tab, multiple Status selection is available for filtering status for riders. Choose Rider Status's relevant to you & click Apply then, all relevant ‘Available Riders’ come up. Now toggle the rider you wish to see among the list coming up, after the selection the map view shows the route traversed & his/her current location.
Among relevant riders, if you want to search a Rider, type the name in the search bar left to the 'Select Status' on the upper left of the screen. Now go select the searched rider by clicking the toggle button to get its live tracking on the map view.
In 'Order History' tab, you can search for orders relevant to the business dates you want your order placed to lie in (start, end dates are inclusive). In the search bar you can provide the exact/partial Order Number you are looking for and all exact or order numbers with the keyword being searched, come filtered in.