Using ‘filter’ you can select the timeline for which the corresponding report is to be generated. Additionally, you can also perform specific filtering in terms of data and values applied over specific columns.
Currently, there are following timelines available:
Current: Day, week, month, quarter, year
Previous: Days, weeks, months, quarters, years:N
Between : start day-end day
Is before: date
Is after: date
Is on: date
You can choose the timeline using the above mentioned six options.
For specific filtering, first choose the column using add icon available opposite to it. Hereafter, the filtering applied over columns can be done in following ways:
Is not: discard specific column data
Is null or not: discard specific column data including null values
Is equal to: select specific column data
Is null or equal to: select specific column data including null
Is null: select null columns
Is not null: discard null columns
Contains: select column containing specific text
Does not contain: discard column containing specific text
You can also freeze the filter value once selected. This can be done by enabling freeze filter value icon.